Try Oyster, more than a CDP - a customer intelligence platform:
Express Analytics is amongst the innovative CDP. Our Best Customer data platform Oyster gives marketers complete control they need for creating amazing customer experiences, by bringing together data integration, AI-driven marketing automation, analytics and UX optimization with a best-in-class CDP.
Oyster CDP helps you to deliver a smoother buying experience to customers regardless of the channel, platform or the stage of the buyer’s journey. Oyster achieves this through identity resolution, real time recommendations based on a 360 single view of each customer.
Oyster CDP is designed for marketers/analysts. There is no need to raise request with IT for ad hoc reports/queries and other activities. The user interface is simple, straightforward and intuitive. It requires very minimal training for becoming productive.
Oyster CDP’s ability to capture structured/unstructured customer data and create a single unified profile for each customer enables very powerful features. Deliver the right offer to right customers at the right time through the right channel using these profiles.